Hengki Koentjoro - Pictures, Art, Photography

Hengki Koentjoro

Background Information about Hengki Koentjoro


In the Garden of Summits and Air

Hengki Koentjoro’s fine art photography goes far beyond the perfect light and shadow drawings of black and white. A native Indonesian, he summits the peaks of the mountains of Java, where the air grows thin. The images he returns with are wide expanses and atmospheric, dense moments. Koentjoro is essentially both an ardent observer and fascinating sculptor of nature. He learned his craft at the Brooks Institute for Photography in Santa Barbara, California. For him, to see and feel nature is both freeing and inspirational. In order to translate a landscape directly into black and white, he lets his imagination run wild, slipping into surprising artistic roles. Thus he looks as if through the eyes of a Buddhist monk across the rainforests of Java from the temple site of Borobudur. Or composes a landscape drama of clouds and mountaintops, in which the spacious depths seems to be skillfully set in relation to concretely represented forms and proximities. The perspectives he employs in his images overwhelm time and again. Clouds and mountain-crests appear so high yet so near, as if the sky plays by different rules in Indonesia. Koentjoro lists Michael Kenna as his greatest role model; like Kenna, he has a fine sense for monochromatic tones and fosters a subject-oriented minimalism. His style thus appears astoundingly certain and rich in form. Shot in a dense, lively atmosphere and exaggerated through a narrative or visual drama, Koentjoro transforms fleeting snapshots of nature into lengthy moments of timeless, natural beauty.

Stephan Reisner


1963Born in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
1977-1981Canisius High School, New York, USA
1998-2001Graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, California

Lives and works in Jakarta, Indonesia


2009Art Limited Winner of the February 2009 contest

Merit award, Indonesian Heritage Society Art And Photography Exhibition

PX3 Honorable Mention Recipients of  2009 Water Competition

2'nd in the Asia Without Borders Photography Competition in the Faces Of The Earth category
20082'nd place in Nature Pro category PX3 annual photo competition

Honorable Mentions PX3 Photo Competition

Nominees Black And White Spider Award in Silhouette Category

Merit Award in Single Image Contest Awards, Black And White Magazine Issue


2009Gallery North Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia
2009Heritage Society Art And Photography Exhibition, Indonesia